As Kampers, we invite you to join us in creating this community. Whether it is to provide you with funds for temporary relief from the challenges of life, or provide you with a less expensive alternative to things that you need. Kamp Hiraya offers you a community where you can do these things in a safe and courteous environment.

The Kamp

Kamp is the english version of “Kampo.” A Filipino word that symbolizes a community. Not only do we aspire to be part of the community, but we aim to be the community. A collection of groups and individuals with a common goal and aspiration. At Kamp Hiraya, we encourage everyone to share our sense of community, to serve and be a part of this place we all call home.

Hiraya, an ancient Filipino text that wishes one a journey that fulfills your heart’s aspirations, dreams, and desires. It is part of a send off wished upon close family and friends when embarking on life. This is the essence of our wish for everyone we come in contact with. We aspire to build a community that we serve towards the fulfillment of their wishes, aspirations, and desires.


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